Register and Submit to Calls

All artists living and working in Arizona are invited to submit to open calls appropriate for their medium. Artists must be registered with Artlink before submitting an application. You have the option of registering as an Articipant or “All Access” Articipant (paid level).

If you are not a registered Artlink Articipant, click here to register.

View Artlink’s current calls to artists on Submittable.

*While Articipation with Artlink does not require payment, there are additional benefits to paid levels. Questions about Artlink? Please email

Register as an Artlink Articipant and get our exclusive “ArtBoard Newsletter” for more Arts Opportunities.

Visit Arizona Commission on the Arts’ for more Arts Opportunities.

Visit Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture,  for for more Arts Opportunities. 

Visit Scottsdale Public Art, for for more Arts Opportunities.