Dear fellow community members,

Artlink is deeply committed to the health and well-being of our community. Like so many, we have been carefully monitoring the news and impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Our organization was built on the cultural health of our community, and we are taking necessary steps as we navigate the plans for the annual Art Detour event.

While Art Detour is a celebration of our arts and culture community, it is also an invitation to support the artists, organizations and businesses who contribute so much to our community’s vibrant culture. We have been actively gathering information and input from these Artlink Articipants, and members of the Artlink Artist Council and Board of Directors. The following modifications to the Art Detour 32 schedule reflects this collective feedback.


Most Detour Destinations will be open for business 3/20-3/22
The majority of “Articipating” Art Detour destinations are locally-owned, small businesses that are currently planning to maintain their regular hours of operation, while also taking additional safety precautions. Please exercise your own best judgement at all times when venturing out in support of these businesses, who also want to keep our community safe and healthy. Find the current list of destinations here and feel free to contact the businesses directly.

Art d’Core Gala: the art will go on without the gala
The opening night gala celebration is cancelled. However, in honor of their months of preparation and artistic collaborations, the exhibition will still be open for viewing. For those who do not want  to come on-site for any reason, we will establish a virtual gallery for people to see the exhibition online from the comfort of their own homes. Refunds to those who have purchased Gala tickets will be offered.

This decision was made in consideration of our guests and participating artists. The artworks are viewable in-the-round, and at your leisure, within a 30,000 square foot warehouse space at Park Central. Viewing does not require close contact with fellow patrons. The open hours will span several days so that visitors can view the artwork while avoiding large crowds. Art d’Core exhibition hours: 3/19 1-9p, 3/20 1-9p, 3/21 1-5p, 3/22 11a-4p, 3/25-3/28 1-5p.

We ask visitors to exercise caution when considering a visit to this or any other venue. This includes staying home if you feel any flu-like symptoms, if you’ve recently traveled, or are a member of a vulnerable population.

Detour Selects Exhibition in “mood room” @ Artlink HQ
This show invited Artlink Articipant venues to select one artwork that represents their exhibitions. Due to the restricted capacity for patrons to view the exhibition, this show at the mood room has been postponed until further notice.

The following have been removed from the Art Detour schedule:
Creative City Symposium, Modern Phoenix Expo and Home Tour, Grand Avenue trolley, and studio tours. These and other modifications/cancellations will be reflected on the online schedule of events.

We will continue to monitor the government and health authorities, take necessary action for public safety without hesitation, and keep you updated of any further changes.

Please continue to follow us on social media for announcements and for virtual Detour experiences.

A special note to Arizona artists: we send you our love and support during this challenging time. We understand and honor the symbiotic relationship you have with the community, creatively, socially and economically. Thank you for your steadfast contributions.

Catrina Kahler
Artlink Inc.

Your safety and well-being is, as always, the highest importance to all of us here at Artlink. In response to growing concerns surrounding coronavirus (COVID-19), Artlink is closely monitoring the recommendations of the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS), Maricopa County Department of Public Health (MCDPH), and the City of Phoenix. We are taking these public health recommendations seriously.

Safety recommendations from public health authorities include the following:

To learn more about Coronavirus, including updates, prevention tips and frequently asked questions, go to the CDC website.


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