Link up with the Community

Sign up and join over 2400 registered AZ arts and culture community members ​

Are you an artist or represent an arts venue, organization or business that supports the arts? Let us promote your contribution to Arizona’s arts and culture community. Register as an ARTIST or BUSINESS Articipant below.

Artist Articipant Registration​

All artists living in Arizona are invited to register as an Artlink Articipant. While Articipation does not require payment, there are additional benefits to the “All Access” paid level. Select the level of Articipation that suits you best!

All Artlink Articipants get direct access to * and will be included in this online calendar, map and directory to upload Art Detour, First Fridays, Third Fridays and daily events and activities. 



FREE annually
  • Articipation must be renewed annually to maintain benefits.
    Upgrade to All Access at any time.

    (Click each benefit to learn more about the programs, events and initiatives.)


$ 60 annually
  • Articipation must be renewed annually to maintain benefits.
    25% of your Articipant Registration is Tax-Deductible.

    (Click each benefit to learn more about the programs, events and initiatives.)

Arts Venue/Organization/Business Registration

All Arizona Arts & Culture Venues, Non-profit Organizations and Supporting/Contributing Businesses are invited to register as an Artlink Articipant. While Articipation does not require payment, there are additional benefits to the “All Access” paid level. Select the level of Articipation that suits you best!

All Artlink Articipants get direct access to * and will be included in this online calendar, map and directory to upload Art Detour, First Fridays, Third Fridays and daily events and activities. 


FREE annually
  • Articipation must be renewed annually to maintain benefits.
    Upgrade to All Access at any time.
    (Click each benefit to learn more about the programs, events and initiatives.)


$ 144 annually
  • Articipation must be renewed annually to maintain benefits.
    25% of your Articipant Registration is Tax-Deductible.
    (Click each benefit to learn more about the programs, events and initiatives.)

Artlink Inc. keeps the arts integral to our development by connecting artists, business and community.

Founded 1989

2024 – All Rights Reserved